

Pectoralis Major trigger points: erroneous and differential diagnoses

The trigger points of the Pectoralis Major can cause extremely alarming misdiagnoses, especially when they simulate severe heart problems.

In addition, there are somatovisceral effects which consist of somatic-muscular reflections of visceral syndromes. In such cases, the trigger points of the Pectoralis Major can: not exclude, co-exist or be a consequence of cardiac syndromes.

It is therefore always importat to rule out conditions that give similar symptoms, including Angina Pectoris.

The Pectoralis Minor

The Pectoralis Minor is one of those muscles that all too often are ignored during a massage session.


The Pectoralis Minor lies under the Pectoralis Major, but it differs from the latter both in regard to the direction of its fibers and in regard to the insertion points. Therefore, the function of the Pectoralis Minor is different from that of the Pectoralis Major.


The Scalenes

The Scalenes are among the most important muscles for the serious Trigger Point practitioner to know. They are not easy to understand and treat, but because of their importance, it is essential to become well acquainted with them.


The Scalene group consists of Anterior Scalene, Middle Scalene and Posterior Scalene. In a small number of individuals, a fourth Scalene is present called Scalenus Minimus.
